Professional Coaching Sessions In All Three Fields


Life Coaching

With a concentration on understanding human behaviour and why we do the things that we do, create an awareness and strategy for your desired behaviours.  Improve your quality of life by learning why and how you choose your patterns and habits.  Take control of limiting actions and emotions through tools like CBT, NLP, and the Six Human Needs model.  Helping clients with anxiety, depression, phone addiction, anger, self-sabotage, drug/alcohol abuse, overeating, weight loss, and more.


Relationship Coaching

Understand and improve not only your romantic relationship, but every relationship in your life.  Our quality of life is in direct relation to the quality of our relationships.  With a solution-focused approach using the 6 human needs behaviour model, you can very efficiently find out the root causes of issues within the relationship.  Knowing the needs of you and your partner is half the battle.  The more you can understand what will make you happy individually, the more you will be able to give back to your partner and build the relationship you deserve.  


Career Coaching

We are lucky enough to live in a time and place where humans demand more from their jobs than just security and a steady pay check.  Discover what field of work invokes passion, excitement, and fulfillment.  Providing assistance in taking the next step in your journey to career success.  Also improve your performance at the workplace by breaking down what state of mind, focus, mood, and actions will allow you to produce at your highest levels. Replicating those characteristics together and teaching you how to repeat those states on your own.

For more info on what a coaching session consists of click here

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